2017: Top Photos & Reflective

As another year comes to a close, I can’t help but reflect on everything that 2017 brought. There’s been personal growth, ups and downs, and I’m ending the year with more uncertainty yet opportunity than ever. I’m at a crossroads, and I have this nervous excitement about deciding what to do next.

I started working on a business in February. I shot for a brand for the first time in March. I watched my best friend from high school get married in June. In July, I hit the quarter century mark, traveled to Asia for the very first time, and shot my first wedding. In August, I spontaneously got to shoot one of my favourite DJs. I left my stable 9-5 job in September. In October and November, I revisited places I hadn’t seen for a while - each time returning to Vancouver reenergized. In December, I reunited with my family in my hometown then rang in the new year in New York.

A lot of my friends have commented, “You’re always traveling.” Although that’s not nearly the case (social media is deceptive), I was lucky enough do a fair bit of traveling this year, mostly around North America. It was definitely the most trips I’ve ever taken in a year. 

Here's where I went this year: Seattle, Miami, Kelowna, Toronto, Ottawa (x2), Taiwan, Whistler, Las Vegas, Portland, San Diego, Palm Springs, Joshua Tree, and New York City.

My goal for 2018 is to take less trips and take in some new places. Iceland, anyone?

Anyway, here are my favourite twenty photographs that I captured in 2017.


Visual Journal: New Year in New York


Visual Journal: A Day In Joshua Tree