Faces + Places: Adrienne


This is Adrienne. We originally met through Instagram. It's simultaneously weird and wonderful to meet strangers through the Internet, but overall I'm happy that common interests can bring people together that otherwise wouldn't meet. 

Early morning glow up.

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This is the image that initiated a friendship. She asked if I could bring her to the rooftop pictured and me being the person always down for a photo adventure, said yes. She brought a couple friends along (probably to ensure I wasn't a sketchy human), and after hellos and handshakes, we rode the elevator up to the secret spot.

This particular rooftop requires climbing a flight of stairs and manoeuvring through a metal gate. Unfortunately, this time around, the door was locked. The rod to pick the lock from the other side of the gate had also been removed, leaving us to improvise. Unfortunately, we had no such luck. 

I felt so terrible that I invited them all over to my balcony to take some photos. Fast forward a couple months, and we hung out once more to take some night shots. Here's the end result of that shoot.


Adrienne is an adventurous soul (her Instagram handle is @stayawildchild, after all) and she decided to get some photos of her on the edge of my balcony. I definitely DO NOT recommend trying this at home, but it sure makes for some interesting daredevil photos — doesn't it?

Equipment List


Faces + Places: Connie


Visual Journal: New Year in New York