Sony A7IV Travel Film: Slow Down

Is the moment passing you by? When things aren’t going well, it’s easy to look forward to some arbitrary outcome, event, or emotion sometime in the future. Conversely, it’s also easy to crave the past and how things once were. I needed to learn — and I continue to work on — how to stay rooted in the now. Slow down, be still, and be present.

I truly made this video as a reminder to myself. Personally, this past year has had some incredible highs and also some unimaginable lows. I had the privilege of spending two months in Europe, but I also had many days stressed about the future and questioning whether I was making the right decisions.

We’re obsessed with setting goals, achieving them, and then moving on to the next “thing”. Having goals is commendable, but at times it feels like we’re on this constant, perpetual chase for more without appreciating how far we’ve actually come.

When I’m traveling, everything is this new, exciting experience so it’s easy to be present in the moment. But I needed the reminder that I can do that with the daily routine, the mundane, the not-so-wonderful parts of life. It’s about falling in love with experiencing all there is to life.


Behind the Scenes: 11 Steps to Edit a Short Film


Street Photography in Lisbon with the Sony A7IV