2016 Vibes

Honestly, I've never been big on New Year's Eve, or making resolutions that I knew were too vague for me to ever keep. To me, it didn't make sense why we needed the calendar to change for us to flip an internal switch.

Having said that, my friends and I decided to travel down to Las Vegas to ring in 2016. It perhaps wasn't the most logically sound decision because hotels on the Strip jack up their rates because of the holiday, as well as the fact that our Canadian dollar is doing terribly. But sometimes, it's best to make decisions by analyzing potential payoff and realizing how much it outweighs the question, "What's the worst that could happen?"

I came back completely broke, and sure the reality of that stung, but instead of regretting my decision to go -- I felt incredibly lucky to have created some experiences that I'll never forget.

I'm currently 23. Most of my friends are well into their full-time careers and settling down into long-term relationships. Realistically, there's no way to know how much longer I'll have the time, disposable income, and friends for a no-holds-barred boys' trip. 

If we hadn't gone, these questions would've pained me to ask myself: When would I get the chance again to see my favourite DJ, Alesso, play a New Year's set? When would I see such a ridiculous character, DJ Khaled, perform live at the peak of his popularity? When would I get to take a road trip to the Grand Canyon with my friends to witness a sunset? When would I ever ride back onto the Las Vegas strip, top down, in a Mustang convertible? Most importantly, when would I get the chance again to just appreciate the joys of being young? As I progress through young adulthood, time is increasingly becoming more restricted and my priorities are constantly in flux. Spontaneity and partying might not even be on the agenda in a few months, so I decided it was best to let go and just go for it, without hesitation.

All of this to say, I'm planning to be more assertive in 2016. With regards to all aspects of my life, I want to have the conviction to go after what I want without hesitation or doubt. Work, travel, fitness, relationships, business, whatever it may be. If that's how I go about my life, there's really no chance for me to be unhappy.

Till next time, here's some of the only photos I snapped on the trip. The Grand Canyon is truly something else.

Grand Canyon.jpg
Grand Canyon Perspective
Overlooking Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon Sunset


Miami (Video)